Thursday, 18 April 2013

A Deeper History

Well, you may have noticed I'm having a few issues with my blogger link up, so for the mean time I'm going to be posting things manually to this end. I've added a new history article to my site, which you can look at here. Comment here or there to let me know what you think of it.

Monday, 15 April 2013

Upgrade Complete

Well, I wouldn't say it was an ideal crossover and the number of odd breakages, even for a site this small, was incredible, but I'm back. I may have a few issues over the next few days, but hopefully they'll be few and far between.

I decided to take the opportunity to carry out a template update while I was at it. I hope you're all impressed. Again, that might take a little tweaking. Feel free to pass judgement. I won't be offended...