Tuesday, 28 November 2017

It's a Kind of Magic - Templar Powers

When designing the Templar, I wanted an alternative to the standard system of magic used in D&D. I got the feeling that, in order to provide something worthy of attention, it has to be unique. Also, to maintain the flavor of its Dark Sun origins, it had to have something unique to the condition of the power source.
 Effectively a Templar is servant of her patron King. The Templar gains power by obtaining influence with her patron. As I mentioned in the first post on this series, the power of a Templar should be roughly equivalent to a Warlock. To this end, I chose to have the Templar's influence recharge on a short rest. The amount of influence a Templar can bring to bear is equal to their level but there may be addenda in the final outing.
Templar warrior with flaming sword, receiving hawk.


Powers for the Templar are based on three levels of power. Lesser powers are roughly equivalent to first level spells. It costs one point of influence to manifest a minor power. When you gain higher influence, it is possible to bump up the power to a more effective level (like spending higher spell slots).
 Minor powers are roughly equivalent to second and third level spells. Each costs 3 influence to manifest and can also be buffed up using additional influence.
 Finally, Greater powers are roughly equivalent to fourth and fifth level spells. Each costs seven influence to manifest and can be buffed using additional influence.
 The maximum buff allowed is half your level minutes one. Thus, a fourth level character can only add one buff point to a spell. This prevents a character of lower levels from creating the effects of a higher level spell.

Chide the Mind


As a reaction, if any creature hits you with an attack, you can glare at them balefully or shout a curse. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw or suffer 3d6 psychic damage, or half as much on a successful save. For each additional point of influence spent, the damage increases by 2d6.

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