Sunday 5 November 2017

Rising Dark(sun)

So, I'm coming over all Dark Sun. Part of my campaign world ruled over by some seemingly immortal rulers in a desert kingdom. There are story reasons for this, but with magical prohibition in effect (story, again), I got to thinking about the old Dark Sun world. Queue Defilers and Templars.

When I read through the Dark Sun setting information for 4e, I found the demotion of Templars to a background gave me pause. I played a Templar when Dark Sun first came out and it really got me flexing my roleplay muscles. The combined magical and political power behnd the class ensured that not every situation was a straight up fight.

I liked the combination, so I went looking around for any 5e implementations. I didn't really find anything I liked so I'm implementing my own. My Alchemist didn't work out so well, I couldn't find a balance between power and durability on that one, but with the Templar I have a clear model to build from and early playtesting is looking good.

Tweak, tweak, tweak for the next few months.

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