
Wednesday 17 March 2021

Once Upon a Time...

 ... there was a God. He slept.

The End

Or is it?

Of course not.

Since I was last here, I completed a degree, got a job and took a starring role in a Pandemic. (There are 7.odd billion others who may challenge my claim of a 'starring role', but as I'm the one living THIS life, I stick with my contention and will not back down.)

So, why am I back? Well, why not. The Pandemic rolls on and it could be months yet before life returns to any semblance of "normal". I have already wasted too much of that time on other foolish things, but of late I have sloughed my bad habits, taken up running, and chosen to re-engage with the things that give me joy.

This is one of those things.

No schedules as yet, but once I enter into a rhythm You'll know as well as I. I look forward to speaking to you again.

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